Laser therapy used to treat pain and wounds

How does laser therapy work?

Laser therapy uses a system which makes it a particularly clean and gentle form of treatment. Due to their high levels of energy density, laser beams enable energy to penetrate deep into the tissue and have stimulating effects.


When is laser therapy recommended?

  • When the patient is in pain

  • For muscles injuries

  • For painful scars

  • To relieve pain from osteoarthrosis

  • For ligament strains

  • To treat trigger points

  • To treat wounds that are healing badly


More about how the laser therapy process works

Depending on the symptoms, both individual points and entire areas can be treated.

  • one session of treatment lasts approx. 10-15 minutes

  • the amount of sessions necessary depends on the diagnosis (5-10)

  • sessions are scheduled at intervals of 3-10 days.


What are the advantages of laser therapy?

  • painless

  • no side effects

  • fast, effective and with long-lasting effects


Dear patients,

Laser therapy can often be used as a very effective additional treatment to target inflammations, tendinopathies and pain. It relieves pain, promotes blood circulation and has regenerative effects. The number of treatment sessions needed depends on the diagnosis, but most patients need between five and eight, with sessions being scheduled at intervals of three to eight days. Treatment is painless and does not have any side effects. Our state-of-the-art machine means that treatment now lasts just four minutes. The EMG makes it ideal to monitor and measure muscle development, in the case of a cruciate ligament injury, for example. Unfortunately, both methods come under the umbrella of individual health services for patients with normal health insurance, however costs for these services are normally born by private health insurance companies. As such, it goes without saying that we only perform these services in consultation with the patient. Yet as we took part in a trial phase, it leads us to recommend these therapies as additional treatment options. Your practice team



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